Is your number #1 goal to lose weight? In our obesity-ridden society, weight loss is becoming a national health solution to a very real crisis. Runners look forward to their workouts because they know that running is one of the most efficient ways to lose weight. For every mile you run, approx. 100 calories are burned. The farther you go, the more calories you lose. Along with a sensible diet, knowing how many calories you burn during running can help you keep the weight off.
Weight loss usually involves calorie management. A calorie is a measure of energy used as fuel in the body. Everything you eat turns into calories. Just being alive burns some calories every hour. If you laid in bed all day, your BMR, or basal metabolic rate would be between 1000-1500 calories, depending on your height, weight and age. Your daily caloric needs depends on your daily activity. Figure your BMR at If you want to burn more calories, increasing activity through a running training program will help you achieve your weight loss goals over time. Some experts argue that brisk walking and running burn about the same amount of calories. It is true, IF you walk farther than you run. It is better to go by time than distance because runners will farther in 30 min than a walker does.
Remember, it takes 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat. Keep in mind that if you skip meals, your body will think you are in starvation mode, lowering your metabolism, making it harder to lose fat. In extreme cases (athletica nervosa), the body may cannibalize your muscles or organs without proper food. To avoid health problems, eat a diet with 50% complex carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat. To speed the calorie burn, eat regularly, but keep your portions smaller. Whole & multigrain breads & cereals, pasta, vegetables & fruits are good sources of carbs. Lean meats, nuts, beans, eggs and low-fat dairy are excellent sources of protein and fats. Sweets should be a occasional treat.
To find out your daily caloric needs, multiply your weight by 13: That is the number of calories you need to maintain your weight. Reducing your daily intake by 500 calories will lose a pound a week without exercise. Add your running program and you could lose another pound a week. Doctors recommend losing 1-2lbs/week for healthy weight loss.
The chart below is a comparison of running to other activities and calories burned PER HOUR:
Exercise & Calories Burned per Hour |
130 lbs |
155 lbs |
180 lbs |
205 lbs |
Running, 5 mph (12 minute mile) |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Running, 5.2 mph (11.5 minute mile) |
531 |
633 |
735 |
838 |
Running, 6 mph (10 min mile) |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Running, 6.7 mph (9 min mile) |
649 |
774 |
899 |
1024 |
Running, 7 mph (8.5 min mile) |
679 |
809 |
940 |
1070 |
Running, 7.5mph (8 min mile) |
738 |
880 |
1022 |
1163 |
Running, 8 mph (7.5 min mile) |
797 |
950 |
1103 |
1256 |
Running, 8.6 mph (7 min mile) |
826 |
985 |
1144 |
1303 |
Running, 9 mph (6.5 min mile) |
885 |
1056 |
1226 |
1396 |
Running, 10 mph (6 min mile) |
944 |
1126 |
1308 |
1489 |
Running, 10.9 mph (5.5 min mile) |
1062 |
1267 |
1471 |
1675 |
Running, cross country |
531 |
633 |
735 |
838 |
Running, general |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Running, on a track, team practice |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Running, stairs, up |
885 |
1056 |
1226 |
1396 |
Running, training, pushing wheelchair |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Stair machine |
531 |
633 |
735 |
838 |
Stationary cycling, light |
325 |
387 |
449 |
512 |
Stationary cycling, moderate |
413 |
493 |
572 |
651 |
Stationary cycling, very light |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Stationary cycling, very vigorous |
738 |
880 |
1022 |
1163 |
Stationary cycling, vigorous |
620 |
739 |
858 |
977 |
Steel mill, working in general |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Stretching, hatha yoga |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Surfing, body surfing or board surfing |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Swimming backstroke |
413 |
493 |
572 |
651 |
Swimming breaststroke |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Swimming butterfly |
649 |
774 |
899 |
1024 |
Swimming laps, freestyle, fast |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Swimming laps, freestyle, slow |
413 |
493 |
572 |
651 |
Swimming leisurely, not laps |
354 |
422 |
490 |
558 |
Swimming sidestroke |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Swimming synchronized |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Swimming, treading water, fast |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Swimming, treading water, moderate |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Table tennis, ping pong |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Tae kwan do, martial arts |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Tai chi |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Tennis, doubles |
354 |
422 |
490 |
558 |
Tennis, singles |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Track and field (high jump, pole vault) |
354 |
422 |
490 |
558 |
Track and field (hurdles) |
590 |
704 |
817 |
931 |
Track and field (shot, discus) |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Trampoline |
207 |
246 |
286 |
326 |
Unicycling |
295 |
352 |
409 |
465 |
Using crutches |
295 |
352 |
409 |
465 |
Volleyball playing |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Volleyball, beach |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Volleyball, competitive |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Walk / run, playing, moderate |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Walk / run, playing, vigorous |
295 |
352 |
409 |
465 |
Walking 2.0 mph, slow |
148 |
176 |
204 |
233 |
Walking 2.5 mph |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Walking 3.0 mph, moderate |
195 |
232 |
270 |
307 |
Walking 3.5 mph, brisk pace |
224 |
267 |
311 |
354 |
Walking 3.5 mph, uphill |
354 |
422 |
490 |
558 |
Walking 4.0 mph, very brisk |
295 |
352 |
409 |
465 |
Walking 4.5 mph |
372 |
443 |
515 |
586 |
Walking 5.0 mph |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Walking downstairs |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Walking the dog |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Walking, pushing a wheelchair |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Walking, snow blower |
207 |
246 |
286 |
326 |
Walking, under 2.0 mph, very slow |
118 |
141 |
163 |
186 |
Water aerobics |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Water aerobics, water calisthenics |
236 |
281 |
327 |
372 |
Water jogging |
472 |
563 |
654 |
745 |
Weight lifting, body building, vigorous |
354 |
422 |
490 |
558 |
Weight lifting, light workout |
177 |
211 |
245 |
279 |
Running is still one of the best overall exercises to burn those calories.