Running Motivation Tips to Keep You Going

Some Days You Just Want To Pack It In
You Need Running Motivation To Keep Running

You need running motivation because you’ve got all the excuses in the book. It’s too hot/cold/rainy, the dog ate one of your running shoes ect.

Don’t think of reasons not to run, focus on the reason that brought you to running.

Keep Track

Keep a diary or note book. Put a calendar on your fridge or on your computer, write on your mirror. Write down every time you complete a run. Keep a running log
and take pride in watching the numbers build up. (Or feel guilty when they don’t,) that will get you back on the road.

Set Goals

Set yourself a goal of what you want to achieve from running. Break up this goal into achievable smaller goals. Every time you reach a goal celebrate getting their.

Keep Going

Keep running on a regular basis. You are going to have bad days, shrug them off, keep going. Focus on the big picture, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Find A Friend

Find someone to train with, you will be able to motivate each other, and you will feel obliged to pitch up for your training if you know someone’s depending on you.

Run With Music

Running with music
can be a great motivator. Listening to your favorite tunes can give you a boost.

Lastly, running is all about personal achievement, you are doing it for you. The Comrades ultra marathon slogan one year was “It comes from within”, this sums it up best.

Not much compares to the sense of personal achievement when you cross the finish line of your first race. Do it and you will see where I am coming from.

from running motivation to Brilliant Running Tips
